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Russian DXpedition Team presents
Dear DXers!
Russian DXpedition Team proud to announce DXpedition
to Mozambique, in southern Africa.
Our team will be active on HF bands and QO-100 SAT (depends on propagation) in CW, SSB and FT8 modes during 10 days.
DXCC entry: Mozambique
QTH: nr. Maputo
ITU zone: 53
CQ zone: 37
GRID square: KG64
Expedition start
Road from Gaborone, Botswana to Maputo, Mozambique (more then 1400 km)
Building up the position
Installing the antennas, limited activity
Expedition on the air!
Full-scale activity
Dismantling position and boarding the plane back to Moscow,Russia.
Equipment & antennas
Antenna 1
Antenna 2
Antenna 3
Antenna 4
Antenna 5
Antenna 6
Elecraft K-3 + PA SPE 1,3 K - FA
Elecraft K-3 + PA home made
2 el. GP for 40m
2 el. GP for 30m
Multiband GP 40-10m
Various wires
Spiderbeam 5 bands
ICOM IC-7000 (2 pcs)
GP @16,5 m. for 80-160m
Beverage, Double Flag
All bands 160 - 10 m, QO-100 SAT
CW, SSB, FT-8 (F/H mode, WSJT-X 2.0 software)
The team
Vasily R7AL
Previous activities:
EP6RRC (AS-189) C96RRC (AF-088) C96RRC (AF-066) R24RRC (AS-114) RI0C (AS-069) R24RRC (AS-044) R23RRC (AS-091) UE23RRC (AS-142) R7AL/0 (AS-172) R7AL/1 (EU-119); Also EU-066, EU-117, EU-133, EU-162, EU-180, EU-185
Vasily RA1ZZ
Previous activities:
EP6RRC (AS-189) C96RRC (AF-088) C96RRC (AF-066) R24RRC (AS-114) RI0C (AS-069) UE23RRC (AS-142) RI1PT (EU-188) RI0X (AS-064) RI1N, RA1ZZ/p (EU-162)
Vlad RK8A
Aleksei RL5F
Previous activities:
EP6RRC (AS-189) C96RRC (AF-088) C96RRC (AF-066) R24RRC (AS-114) RI0C (AS-069) R24RRC (AS-044) R23RRC (AS-091) UE23RRC/p (AS-025)
Previous activities:
EP6RRC (AS-189) C96RRC (AF-088) ES1CH/0 (EU-034) P3A
The team
Vasily R7AL
Previous activities:
7Q7RU XR8RRC (AS-032) E44RU XR0ZRC (SA-003) XR1RRC (SA-069) TA0/R7AL (AS-115) R205NEW (AS-205) R26RRC (AS-204) EP6RRC (AS-189) C96RRC (AF-088) C98RRC (AF-066) R24RRC (AS-114) RI0C (AS-069) R24RRC (AS-044) R23RRC (AS-091) UE23RRC (AS-142) R7AL/0 (AS-172); Also EU-066, EU-117, EU-119, EU-133, EU-147,
EU-162, EU-180, EU-185
Leo UI8J
Previous activities:
E44RU XR0ZRC (SA-003) XR8RRC (SA-032) CT9/RW9JZ (AF-014) EA8/RW9JZ (AF-004) EA6/RW9JZ (EU-004) TA4/RW9JZ
Vlad R9LR
Previous activities:
7Q7RU RI1F (EU-190) 8Q7LR (AS-013) S79LR (AF-024 & AF-033)
XV9LR 9M2/RA9LR RT9K/0 (AS-203) R120LY R22BIA RR110RAEM
Mike RU3UR
Previous activities:
TX7M & TX5A (OC-027) TX3T (OC-046) P3N (AS-004)
EF8R (AF-004) CN2AA
Off - site team
Vasily RA1ZZ
Expedition pilot
Alex RW5C
Logistical support
Our team is kindly grateful for your support!
Corporate sponsors
Individual Sponsors
DJ8NK, Jan
W9EWZ, Robert
K6VVK, Vincent
RD4A, Alex
Individual Donors
W6DX, Barrie
DL1EZ, Holger
W6RS, Rich
WA2BOT, Jeff
DL1EMY, Joachim
K1USA, Dale
OH2ID, Tomi
K6MAA, Alex
K2UO, George
IK3ZAQ, Ivan
K7CS, Don
UN2G, Eugene
W0DD, Rich
F8ATM, Laurent
K1CP, Clif
PH7PCF, Aldert
K1PX, Jim
NF4A, Charles
W8GNM, Geoff
G3TQZ, Roger
K4WM, Joel
SV8QG, Alex
K6ND, Will
DJ6YX, Tom
W9PL, Paul
SV1XV, Kostas
WA7NS, Brian
RL9Y, Alexey
K1JX, Clarke
K6MKF, Mike
OG2M, Pertti
N4QM, Dennis
WB9Z, Jerry
W1SKU, Fred
LY2QT, Valery
HB9BAS, Roland
NV9L, Valerie
OH6JD, Raimo
NW7US, Tom
JF3OWJ, Naoyuki
K4XL, Ken
KD3CQ, Dan
OZ1RE, Soren
W8TWA, Peter
DD0VU, Jens
JA8UIV, Hisa
DF9HI, Ralf
VA3YP, Rasim
VE3NI, Daniel
ON4IZ, Doc
R9CW, Valery
K9RMP, Ron
NA5C, Steve
DL3HRZ, Rolf
HB9GUR, Philippe
KE7AZ, Logan
N6DD, Dennis
IZ7AUE, Antonio
AB3CV, Jim
AG5PC, Allen
W8UV, Phil
W6ESL, Tom
EA8ZS, Manuel
ZS1XG, Simon
UN5G, Andy
R0SR, Igor
K0IEA, Dave
DL4DW, Frank
LA6UL, Finn
UA3123SWL, Eugene
LA0FA, Matt
OE5RLM, Rudolf
LA7THA, Rune
UA6CEY, Andy
LB5GI, Gjermund
NF1G, Paul
IT9DAA, Corrado
RC3C, Tony
AD8FD, Brian
PC3T, Alex
HB9GWJ, Olivier
RC5D, Andrey
DL1ATZ, Mario
DF2GH, Hans
R3DL, Amir
OK5AC, Franta
KD0Q, Glenn
RX3X, Ilya
RA4HPI, Dmitri
K5FNQ, Art
WF7T, Brad
RV3ID, Andy
RA3WDK, Ivan
N7EPD, Eric
KH6U, John
RC9F, Vasily
TF3SG, Gudmi
EA8CYU, Jose
N8OCN, James
R7FZ, Vlad
W7II, Bill
W5WI, Dale
K6UIP, Neil
RV6LL, Vladimir
W7VS, Walter
SM4IED, Mats
N1PGA, John
R2PU, Roman
OE4AAC, Erich
W7AV, Rick
K7KE, George
RU3U, Vladimir
N2QT, Mark
SM0BYD, Hans
UA3AKI, Aleksander
DJ7YP, Helmut
9K2OD, Osama
W3RZ, Lou
UA6YW, Aliy
DL1ZU, Martin
KU4UK, Russ
OZ5XE, Poul
RW3RN, Alex
JA2RGH, Shozo
KQ9P, Mike
5P1KZX, Michael
NJ6W, Bernie
OE2GEN, Gery
E72A, Besim
UN7JID, Valery
K2TER, Bill
VA2SIB, Sebastien
AJ9C, Mike
WB0N, Bert
K4AWM, Alan
LA3PK, Jan
How to donate
For donation in USD
For donation in Euro
PayPal account
Сбербанк России
Карта VISA Сбербанка России
4276 3000 4274 2083
Владелец: Пинчук Василий Васильевич
Contacts & QSL info
For message to our team please use this form
Expedition pilot:
DXpedition logs will be uploaded to Club log daily.
Please, check your QSOs and do not make a dupes !!
OQRS will be opened only after the end of dxpedition.
Fast LoTW for Donors and Direct OQRS.
For QSL-request please use log search form under the text
or go directly to Club Log
Online logs and QSL request
Club Log OQRS is strictly preferable!
It's Fast, Easy and Safe method to receive your QSL-card.
But if for some reason you are unable to use Club Log, please make a direct PayPal payment (Don't forget to write your callsign).
Информация для российских радиолюбителей
QSL можно получить любым из трех способов:
1) Перевод (100 руб.) на карту VISA (номер карты указан выше) с обязательным указанием своего позывного
2) Письмо на домашний адрес R7AL с QSL и обратным конвертом
3) Запрос QSL на БЮРО через систему Club Log OQRS
This plaque is issued for contacts with C92RU.
To get this Plaque you need to make 3 QSOs on different bands or modes with our DXpedition.
More info here.
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