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Bogoslova island (IOTA: AS-205 NEW) is one of the most remote and hard-to-reach uninhabited islands on Far East.

It's located in a North-Eastern part of Kamchatka peninsula with no any settlements a hundreds miles around.

The distance from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy city is about 1300 Km. The sailing (one way) will take more than 5 (!!!) days, depending on weather and sea conditions. For this expedition we chartered sailing yacht "Oberon" (manufactured in Japan, rebuild and tuned in P-K, Russia) with the experienced skipper and crue. It's long, difficult and quite expensive journey!


The schedule is to start from Petropavlovsk at around 08-00 UTC in 9-th of June.

We'll QRV for the 4 full days, around 14-18 of June.

The aim of this expedition is not only to activate a "New One" as is, but also to give a chance to as many IOTA-chasers as possible under the really poor solar conditions. That's why we'll use VDAs and Power Amplifiers. QRV on most common bands - 

40/30/20/17 meters, CW and SSB.



RI0ZK activity from Komandorskie isl., AS-039 also planned on the way back to Petropavlovsk.

Lenght of stay - from few hours only to 2 days and will highly depends on weather!

Callsign:  R205NEW

IOTA:  AS-205 (Bering Sea Coast North Group)

RRA: RR-12-04 (NEW)

RDA:  KT-12

WAZ: 19

ITU: 26

Grid locator:  RP61fc


© 2019  R205NEW expedition. Created by R7AL

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